"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
see Joshua 24:14-16
see Joshua 24:14-16
Israel had reached the Promised Land and old Joshua was about to die. He gathered the tribes at Shechem and called the leaders to a meeting. It was time for everyone to speak their mind about the future; would they stick with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or go their own way, perhaps to follow the gods of their neighbors? Old Joshua new better than to try and speak for Israel, but he could speak for himself, AND, apparently, his household.
We often view community as a group made up of individuals. That is true. But communities - churches - are made up of individuals who often belong to households, too. When we speak in church, we often address the whole congregation, or each individual. There is a time and place, though, to also address households. Much of our coming and going and dwelling is at the level of our household. At the beginning of another busy fall season, it is especially important to recognize that healthy churches are made of up healthy individuals who are part of healthy households.
Let us talk about this tomorrow, as we host an ALL AGES STORYTELLER worship gathering, including a prayer for our students and teachers returning to school.
- September 9 - BACK TO SCHOOL BLESSING - Joshua 24:14-16 ALL AGES
- September 16 - TWO MASTERS - Matt 6:19-24
- September 23 - SEEK FIRST - Matt 6:25-34
- September 30 - FIFTH SUNDAY - PACKS, PROJECTS, POTLUCK - socks/supplies for New Horizons