"...she has poured perfume on my feet.Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown."
Luke 7:45-47
"Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet."
Luke 15:21-23
"...he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet..."
John 13:4-6
Feet are important in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, SOCKS will by harvested and gathered tomorrow from Emmaus Road, Harbor Church, and any friends and neighbors who join the effort. The staff of New Horizons will be equipped to demonstrate love in a tangible way. Youth who dwell and traverse the cold, wet streets of our city will be a little healthier. We get to participate. Gospel declared, Gospel demonstrated.
Not too late to sign up here!
Welcome Exec. Director Rob Stewart from New Horizons for five minute overview; we pray for Mr. Stewart, New Horizons, homeless youth, and move on to....
- Cafe lights in Worship Hall
- Desk removal
- Clean kitchens
- Clean/sort nursery: get rid of stuff
- Organize boiler room: tools, cleaning supplies
- Organize Christmas Decorations: sort/store/prep
- Ramp door closing mechanism
- Insulate edges of doors
- Tree thinning, shrubs. Need yard waste bags
- Repair front rail. New brackets, paint
- Pressure wash concrete/brick retaining walls and walks
- Upgrade/fix picnic bench out front
- Find matching red paint for exterior touchups
- September 30 - FIFTH SUNDAY - PACKS, PROJECTS, POTLUCK - socks/supplies for New Horizons; sign-up here
- October 7 - DO NOT JUDGE - Matt 7:1-5; COMMUNION
- October 14 - NO PEARLS FOR PIGS - Matt 7:6
- October 21 - ASK, SEEK, KNOCK; NO SNAKES - Matt 7:7-12