Mark 4:21-34 includes a group of short parables which reveal the hidden nature of the Kingdom.
What do we not see? What gets in the way of seeing?
Why did Jesus use parables with the public, but direct explanation with his disciples?
What can we take away from Jesus' model of teaching?Why did Jesus use parables with the public, but direct explanation with his disciples?
Likkel's Lections:
- Psalm: 92:1-4
- OT: Ezekiel 17:22-24
- Gospel: Mark 4:21-34
- Epistle: 2 Corinthians 7:5-6
These may not be your personal priorities, but this is the list in your pastor's head, in terms of priorities for Emmaus Road:
- Rest/Renewal
- Explore/Establish UP, IN, OUT rhythms for growth
- Recruit new Godly Play Storyteller (see below)
- Launch Learning w/Elders - Mike, Rennie
- Support Dan, recently transitioning into Music/Liturgy Leader
- Recruit Treasurer
- Recruit Children/Youth Ministry Coordinator
Please contact Pastor Eric, or Elders Mike or Rennie, with insights or questions about this list. Stay tuned for more information.
After seven and a half years, our beloved Godly Play Storyteller, Mr. Matthew Park, is moving to Philadelphia to pursue graduate studies. Michele is also going to begin a church planting residency there. Matt's last Godly Play session will be Sunday, July 31st, but a farewell moment for Matt and Michele may be planned for Sunday, August 21st. Stay tuned!
- Sun July 10 - Church @ Seattle School - Aurora Commons Clothing Drive Day (see this post)
- Sun July 17 - RuiterHeis Day - brief morning fellowship; afternoon service project & BBQ
- Sun July 24 - Church @ Seattle School
- Sun July 31 - Church @ Seattle School (Mr. Matt's final Godly Play session)
- Wed August 3 - New Horizons Dinner - Crown Hill Group Hosts
- Sun August 7 - Church @ Seattle School
- Sun August 14 - Church @ Seattle School (Pastor Eric @ First Seattle CRC)
- Sun August 21 - Church @ Mark & Angie's; Last Farewell, Matt/Michele!
- Sun August 28 - Church @ Seattle School
- Sun September 4 - ALL AGES Church @ Seattle School
- Wed September 7 - New Horizons Dinner - Mayhem Group Hosts