Here is a little background:
- Following a July 26 brainstorm session, a proposal was brought to the August 4 Council meeting and approved. Deacon Teresa Elenbaas and Angie R. are leading coordination and planning.
- Rationale to add program for older kids: We love having children with us in worship; they enjoy the music, and they add to the worship experience for all of us. But lecture style sermons and extended prayer times do not always engage them. This new program, like Godly Play for the younger children, will be another avenue for them to receive, engage, wonder, and respond to biblical narratives in some age appropriate ways.
- Details: new program will include elements we value from Godly Play and other curricula - hands on, creative response to stories; individual kids' kits to which children can return each Sunday they are present; grouping stories with overarching themes.
- Frequency: volunteer levels will help determine whether this is weekly, three times a month, or an every other Sunday program.
Samples of stories and curriculum will be posted next week after Teresa and Angie have opportunity to make some choices. If you have ideas, concerns, or want to offer your help, please contact Teresa with feedback until about September 6; Teresa and Angie will be fine tuning program details between September 6 and September 11, which is the Sunday we announce and celebrate the beginning of our next Children and Parent Ministry season. September 18 will the be the first Sunday for Godly Play and this new program.