From December '07 TRAVERSE newsletter
For a period of time, our “Twelve Spies” listened and learned. They focused attention on our community to find out how God is working, and to discover potential neighborhood strengths and assets, as well as needs.
What has come from all our listening and learning? SPARK PLUGS and GLUE. In many ways, we have observed that Belltown is a population, but not quite a neighborhood, at least not for many people. Most barely know or acknowledge each other, frequently new to the area, too busy, and wary or of strangers. We have met admirable activists, working in this or that corner, who do not always know or trust one another. Sometimes they are divided over differences in methodology, or prone to territorialism. We have also met selfless neighbors who harbor great goals and dreams, but worry no one will listen. They lack energy or faith to take initiative alone. While urban problems overwhelm, problem solvers remain lonely and isolated.
This community cries out for spiritual and social glue. It needs spiritual encouragement and spark. This is the mission edge for Emmaus Road, fulfilling a call to become spark plugs and glue. We Christians profess to have the unquenchable spark of the Spirit within us. We invite people to a uniquely safe table, where our Lord of Hosts welcomes and reconciles people who are lost. We are called and sent to demonstrate this good news beyond Sunday.